There are many ways to get involved in the RCN and different ways to participate depending on your research interests.

Join a working group

Within the research themes of the RCN, there are many working groups tackling different challenges needed to understand the status of insects globally and work to reverse insect declines:

To learn more about the different working groups or to join a working group, please contact the working group co-chairs for the topic(s) that align with your interests and expertise; RCN participants are encouraged to be involved in more than one working group.

Start a new working group

To propose a new working group within one of the RCN themes, please contact the RCN Program Manager, Eliza Grames, at In your email, please include a rationale and explain how the working group will help to understand the status of insects globally, what types of activities the working group would engage in, and some ideas for types of products the group would produce (e.g. white papers, symposia, papers, etc.). You may also suggest potential working group leaders and members who might be interested.

Partner with the RCN

If you are part of a research network, organization, or other group and there is likely substantial overlap in interests of your members and RCN participants (and vice versa), please get in touch. For example, collaboration networks working on some of the causes (e.g. effects of climate change on biodiversity) or consequences of decline (e.g. loss of some insects from pollinator networks), or groups focused on developing evidence-based policy for conservation, or any other pertinent topics and related efforts. We can figure out ways to form partnerships that are mutually beneficial (especially to the insects!); please contact the Principal Investigator, David Wagner, at to discuss further.

Participate in upcoming events

There are no events currently scheduled, however, over the 5-year life of the RCN there will be meetings (in-person and virtually), hackathons, webinars, and other events, so stay tuned.

Contribute data

If you have data that could be useful for understanding insect population trends and trajectories that you want the RCN to have access to or know about, please email the Program Manager, Eliza Grames, at We highly encourage researchers to also submit long-term insect datasets to the Global Insect Threat Response Synthesis (GLiTRS) project as well.